Jawa Timur Park


Informasi tentang kami
Alamat dimana anda dapat menghubungi kami
Beberapa kegiatan yang diselenggarakan di Jawa Timur Park
Fasilitas yang kami sediakan
Koleksi foto tentang Jawa Timur Park yang kami miliki
Peta Area Wisata Jawa Timur Park
Penawaran Spesial dari Kami untuk Anda di bulan ini
Science Center Jawa Timur Park

Most people want to see the available accomodations in advance. We will display pictures of our rooms and common areas on this page.

Below we might put a picture of our view.

View of meadow; Size=180 pixels wide

Couple dining; Size=240 pixels wide

Above we might put a picture of the main dining hall.

Here we might put another picture of the interior of our facility.

Couple dining; Size=240 pixels wide

View of meadow; Size=180 pixels wide

Here we might put a picture of one of our rooms.

Jl. Kartika 2 Batu - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
Phone (0341) 597777 Fax (0341) 598888